Ramkot Fort

Ramkot Fort

Ramkot Fort

Ramkot Fort is a major landmark of Mangla city. The fort, located on the top of a hill and surrounded by River Jehlum from three sides, presents a picturesque landscape. The fort is accessible from Mangla Lake which is about 20km away from Mangla city. Most of the fort was demolished during the creation of Mangla Dam; a part remains and serving as public amusement place.

Muslim rulers of Kashmir built numerous forts in 16th – 17th century AD in order to protect their boundaries. Ramkot Fort sitting at the top of hill is said to be one of them. The Sikh Maharaja of Kashmir further fortified Ramkot. The fort was built over the site of an old Hindu temple, and during excavations remaints of one of temple found here. Relics of the 5th – 9th century AD also have been near the temple.

In 1992, government has built a small museum here, which contains several types of pieces of rocks, paintings and model of Mangla Power House.

Ramkot Fort provides a view of hills surrounded by water from its top. It took over twenty minutes on a speed boat to reach the cliff on which the fort is located. Boats are available by Army Water Sports Club at the lake.

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Ramkot Fort Map

Ramkot Fort Map – Click on map image to see detailed map

About Author

Kaleem Sajid

Hi, I am Kaleem Sajid, by profession a software developer, but tourism is my hobby. I love to write about the places I visited or planning to visit. Read more →


  1. Ronak Sheth

    Dear Mr Kaleem,Why is that all and everything that is built in Pakistan was by the muslim rulers. The Name itself says that RAMKOT was built by the hindu rulers. All the excavations from the site till date has pointed to the fact that i mentioned earlier.Anyways it is not a big deal that we like to take credit for others work. I am glad that Muslims built all the great structures around the world.Thanks, Ronak Sheth


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